YOUTH General Studies Workshops
Culinary Kids Academy is a fantastically FUN and revolutionary kids cooking program in Los Angeles that reinforces all the subjects kids learn in the classroom by weaving them into the fabric of a complex cooking class! This amazingly entertaining, educational, empowering and YUMMY way of learning is taking all of L.A.
“Lincoln Elementary School values student wellness and health along with academics and Culinary Kids Academy has been a great fit for our school. It meets the needs of our wide variety of age groups and learner types while blending math, science, and social studies into its culinary lessons. Our students and staff love it!”
Academic School Day Workshops
(Pre-K through 12th Grade)
Culinary Kids Academy integrates grade level specific, standard based, multi-discipline curricula into complex cooking classes. CKA works closely with school administrators and classroom teachers to tailor its experiential workshops to address classroom academic goals. Whether it be science lessons on the oxygen carbon cycle, or history lessons on the Revolutionary War, teachers use these workshops as either an introductory ramping up tool, or review/test prep for mandated units of study.
After-School Enrichment Workshops
Just because school is over why should the learning stop? Still utilizing our unique experiential approach to learning, Culinary Kids Academy works with on-site enrichment coordinators to give students a fun, meaningful, educational and safe after-school workshop.
Culinary Kids Academy offers a variety of engaging after-school workshops where academic standard-based lessons are taught, and delicious food is prepared. Your child will go home learning something new and feeling empowered after each class.
Lessons Focus On The Following Subjects:
- Math
- Science
- Language Arts
- History & Social Studies
- Health & Nutrition
- Farm-To-Table Curriculum
- Hygiene
- Safety
Grade-level and standard-based material is woven into the fabric of complex cooking workshops to provide students with an exciting, interactive and profoundly impactful alternative way of learning!
Arithmetic workshops cover a wide range of grade-level specific standards. Recipe execution introduces and reviews addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, measurements, time, money, order of operations and so much more! CKA makes math “a piece of cake!”.
Science workshops illustrate to students the close ties that cooking and food have with biology, chemistry, physics, botany, geology, and mineralogy. Through in-class, hands-on experiments, students are given a new, tangible (and tasty) look into the world of science!
History/Social Studies
Cooking not only serves as a vehicle for discovering the origin of ingredients, it can also be an incredible tool for teaching United States and World history! Using cooking as their "time machine", students visit eras of the past to study everything from Prehistoric civilizations, to the American Revolution, to World War II. CKA’s story-based approach has students riveted as they cook dishes from the past. History was never so much fun!
Culinary Kids Academy’s goal is to help students understand the importance of vitamins and nutrients, as well as the negative effects of a high calorie/fat/sodium diet. Through an emphasis on portion control and moderation with processed foods, students are provided a real look at the impact diets have on their bodies; it enables them to take greater ownership of their food choices. When given an active stake in the cooking process, CKA has found students are much more willing to step outside of their culinary "comfort zones" and try new, or different foods once they leave the classroom.
Farm-To-Table Curriculum
This Culinary Kids Academy farm series is a deep dive into the United States’ food systems and the clean eating life-style. We will learn about the importance of farmer’s markets and the age-old traditions and culture of our Nation’s farmers. We will touch on farm-fresh produce, dairy farms, the importance of eating seasonally, herbs and spices, and so much more! Together, we will explore all the tasty bounty and beautiful colors our soil has to offer!
Teaching children how to stay healthy is of paramount importance to Culinary Kids Academy. Not only are students instructed on how to keep themselves and their cooking tools as clean as possible, they are given insight into the workings of the restaurant industry, and the health codes that must be adhered to. Providing students with a deeper understanding about germs, bacteria and proper food handling allows them to take on a greater sense of responsibility regarding their own hygiene.
Part of learning how to cook is understanding the concept of Respect: respect for the kitchen, its tools, and the act of cooking. With constant adult supervision, CKA helps students build a level of independence and confidence that comes with learning how to properly cut, utilize heating elements, and maintain a clean, organized work station. Safety is of prime importance to us; it is our mission to make sure that all of our young chefs stay safe not only when they are with us, but when they are cooking at home as well!